7-11 years
To enter the primary category you need to prepare two dishes, a homemade shepherds / cottage pie and a sponge sandwich of your choice. The recipes should be what you think is delicious, healthy and showcase your cooking skills. You will need to include photos of the dishes and details of the ingredients, the method and the cost. The meal should cost no more than £10.
If you are invited to the final you will be provided with £10 to cover the cost of the on the day ingredients and asked to cook two portions of each dish.
An example of how to break down the costs is as follows:
- The recipe requires 1 large onion, finely chopped and a pack of 3 onions = 95p. Therefore you divide 95p by 3 (95÷3) = recipe cost of 32p
- The recipe requires 100 grams of flour and 1kg of flour costs £1.50. Therefore your divide £1.50 by 1000 and times by 100 (1.5 ÷ 1000x 100) = recipe cost is 15p
11-16 years
To enter the secondary category you need to prepare two dishes, a homemade savoury pie (including the pastry) and a gluten free cake or dessert. You will need to include photos of the dishes and details of the ingredients, the method and the cost. The meal should cost no more than £10.
If you are invited to the final you will be provided with £10 to cover the cost of the on the day ingredients and asked to cook two portions of each dish.
An example of how to break down the costs is as follows
- The recipe requires 1 large onion, finely chopped and a pack of 3 onions = 95p. Therefore you divide 95p by 3 (95÷3) = recipe cost of 32p
- The recipe requires 100 grams of flour and 1kg of flour costs £1.50. Therefore your divide £1.50 by 1000 and times by 100 (1.5 ÷ 1000x 100) = recipe cost is 15p
16-21 years
To enter the 16+ category you will need to prepare two dishes completely of your choice. This should be a main and dessert. You will need to include photos of the dishes and details of your ingredients, method and cost – sticking to a budget of £10.
If you are invited to the final you will be provided with £10 to cover the cost of the on the day ingredients and asked to cook two portions of each dish.
An example of how to break down the costs is as follows
- The recipe requires 1 large onion, finely chopped and a pack of 3 onions = 95p. Therefore you divide 95p by 3 (95÷3) = recipe cost of 32p
- The recipe requires 100 grams of flour and 1kg of flour costs £1.50. Therefore your divide £1.50 by 1000 and times by 100 (1.5 ÷ 1000x 100) = recipe cost is 15p
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Medway House, Ginsbury Close. Sir Thomas Longley
Road. Medway City Est. Rochester. ME2 4DU
01227 475966
© KM Charity Team 2022 | Registered charity no.1105834